(c) UCR / Stan Lim - UCR Motte Rimrock Reserve, poppies

Summer Sessions Enrollment


Visiting Students

I am not a UCR student, but need to verify my prerequisites for a Summer Session class, what do I need to do?

If you are not a UC Riverside student but have taken courses comparable to the listed prerequisites, you will need to submit a copy of your transcripts for verification. Submit your transcript, UCR student ID number, and call number for the course(s) via the enrollment request form.  It will be routed to the appropriate person as shown below:

  • BIOL, EEOB, MCBL, PLPA - Monica Dorame
  • BCH, CBNS, CMDB, NRSC - Priscilla Lee
  • BPSC, GEO, MATH, ENTM - Amanda Morales
  • CHEM, ENTX, NEM, STAT - Carla Santiago
  • ENTM, ENSC, GEN, BPHY, PHYS - Justin Aranda


Submit Enrollment Request Form


For more information, please visit UCR Summer Sessions.


UCR Students

I am a UCR student, and I'm having trouble enrolling via R'Web self-service for a Summer Session class, what do I need to do?

First, you should check the following:


  1. Is the CRN correct?
    If yes, then contact us at the link below. If not, then please enter the correct call numbers.
  2. Am I registering for both a lecture and discussion (and/or lab) if required?
    If yes, then contact us at the link below. If not, then please enter the correct call numbers for all required lecture, discussion and/or lab. 
  3. Am I exceeding my maximum number of units?
    If yes, you must contact your Academic Advisor. If no, then contact us at the link below.


If  none of the above apply or if you are still having difficulty enrolling through R'Web self-service for a course in the following disciplines:
BCH, BIOL, BPSC, CBNS, CHEM, ENTM, ENSC, ENTX, GEO, MATH, MCBL, NEM, PHYS, PLPA, or STAT, please complete the information at the link below and you will receive an email when your request is complete:


Submit Enrollment Request Form

How can I get a prerequisite cleared?

Please complete the information at the link below and you will receive an email when your request is complete:


Submit Enrollment Request Form




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